David Anthony Ricucci


Personal and Family Information

David was the son of Cosmas Damian Anthony Ricucci and Lucille Rita Ponzo. The date and place of his birth have not been found.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


David Anthony Ricucci


Cosmas Damian Anthony Ricucci


Michele Ricucci


Domenico Ricucci


Lucrezia Azzarone


Eugenia Petrosino


Gennaro Petrosino


Maria Consiglia Pepe


Lucille Rita Ponzo



Note 1

Source: James Mayor


  1. Source: Z-066 James Mayor 2002
    Source: Source: Z-066 James Mayor 2002
  2. Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com
    Source: Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com