Antonio Martinelli


Personal and Family Information

Antonio was born on 7 JUL 1910 in Lettopalena, Chieti, Italy, the son of unknown parents.

He died on 6 JUN 1950 in Lettopalena, Chieti, Italy.[Note 2]

His wife was Lauretta DelMonaco, who he married in 1934 in Lettopalena, Chieti, Italy. They had no known children.


Birth7 JUL 1910
Place: Lettopalena, Chieti, Italy
Death6 JUN 1950
Place: Lettopalena, Chieti, Italy
See Note 2


Note 1

Source: AJC 2001 Letto Trip

Note 2

Source: AJC 2001 Letto Trip


  1. Source: Z-015 Tony Carfang 2001-02 Lettopalena Italy site visits
    Source: Source: Z-015 Tony Carfang 2001-02 Lettopalena Italy site visits
  2. Source: Lettopalena Tony Carfang Research. The Lettopalena Project. 2001-2003 V23. Atti di Nascita, Atti di Martimonio, Atti di Morte. Photos of Cimiterio. Personal visits and interviews. Assited by Gene Angelcyk.
    Source: Source: Lettopalena Tony Carfang Research. The Lettopalena Project. 2001-2003 V23. Atti di Nascita, Atti di Martimonio, Atti di Morte. Photos of Cimiterio. Personal visits and interviews. Assited by Gene Angelcyk.
  3. Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang.
    Source: Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang.