Carlo was born about 1799, the son of Giuseppe DiIorio and Felicita Teti. The place is not known.
His wife was Maria Angela Antonia Aspromonte, who he married on 5 NOV 1817 in Torricella Peligna, Chieti, Italy. Their nine known children were Giuseppe Antonio (1819-?), Felicita (1821-1823), Felice (1823-?), Rosa (1826-1847), Donato (1829-?), Anna (1832-1845), Domenico (1836-?), Luigia Luisa (1839-1843) and Antonio (1842-?).
Event | Date | Details | Source | Multimedia | Notes |
Birth | ABT 1799 |
Note 1
Occupation: Businessman (negoziante), Blade Filer/Sharpener
(limatore), Dyer (tintore), Shoe Cobbler (scalzolaio, but not
PARENTS-MARRIAGE: Giuseppe di Iorio and Febrita (not sure) Teti
of Torricella Peligna.
OCCUPATION: Blade filer/sharpener (limatore) on birth of
daughters Felicita and Rosa. Shoe cobbler (scalzolaio, but not
certain) on birth of son Domenico in 1836. Dyer (tintore) on
death of daughter Luisa/Luigia in 1843.
AGE: On birth of daughter Felice in 1823, 23. On marriage in
1817, 19. On birth of daughter Rosa in 1826, 29. On birth of
son Donato in 1829, 30.
Source: Dan Aspromonte