Raimondo DiBernardi


Personal and Family Information

Raimondo was born on 26 MAR 1890 in Pedicciano, the son of Bernardo Bernardi and Clorinda Pettorelli.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Raimondo DiBernardi


Bernardo Bernardi


Domenico Bernardi


Pasquarosa Bologna


Clorinda Pettorelli


Luciano Pettorelli


Bernardino Pettorelli


Angela Carosi


Celidea Tomassi


Francesco Antonio Tomassi


Clorinda DeSantis



Birth26 MAR 1890
Place: Pedicciano


Note 1

Source: David Brown <david@jenniferanddavid.com> V19 12/2002


  1. Source: Z-007 David Brown V19 12/2002
    Source: Source: Z-007 David Brown V19 12/2002
  2. Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com
    Source: Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com