Jason Bucci


Personal and Family Information

Jason was the son of Corky Bucci and Janet Draves. The date and place of his birth have not been found.

His wife was Christin Watson, who he married in ABT 2000. The place has not been found. They had no known children.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Jason Bucci


Corky Bucci


Frank Bucci


Michele Bucci


Giovanina Galuoppo


Lillian DiCarlantonio


Donato DiCarlantonio


Florida Pilon


Janet Draves


Fredrick Draves


Lillian Roberts



Note 1

Source: Lydia Carfagnini lydiaruttan@hotmail.com V20, 2/2003


  1. Source: Z-022 Lydia Carfagnini V20, 2/2003
    Source: Source: Z-022 Lydia Carfagnini V20, 2/2003
  2. Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com
    Source: Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com